HB 2115: bonds; ballot language; procedures

PRIME SPONSOR: Representative Mitchell, LD 13

BILL STATUS: House Engrossed


Director – Director of Legislative Council 
GO – General Obligation
Amendments – BOLD and Stricken (Committee)


☐ Prop 105 (45 votes)	     ☐ Prop 108 (40 votes)      ☐ Emergency (40 votes)	☐ Fiscal NoteRelating to school district bond elections.


1.       Requires ballots for school district bond elections to conform to the ballot requirements for county and municipal bond elections. (Sec. 1)

2.       Requires school districts to submit proposed ballot language to the county school superintendent at least 85 days before the election. (Sec. 1)

o   Currently, school districts are only required to submit the language to the Director.

3.       Instructs the Director to notify the county school superintendent of any objections within 10 days after receiving the proposed language. (Sec. 1)

o   Currently, the Director is only required to notify the school district.

4.       Replaces statutory references to an informational report and a publicity pamphlet with the term informational pamphlet. (Sec. 1, 2, 4, 5)

5.       Makes technical and conforming changes. (Sec. 1, 2)

Current Law

In any school district election held to determine whether bonds will be issued, the ballot must contain the disclosure, "the issuance of these bonds will result in an annual levy of property taxes sufficient to pay the debt on these bonds" in addition to the words "bond approval, yes" and "bond approval, no" for the voter to signify their desired choice. (A.R.S. § 15-491).

For any proposed GO bond authorization where the principal and interest will be paid by a levy of property taxes, the ballot is required to contain the phrase, "the issuance of these bonds will result in a property tax increase sufficient to pay the annual debt service on bonds." Any written information provided by a county or municipality is required to include financial information showing the estimated average tax rate for the proposed bond authorization. If the bonds are to be repaid with secondary property taxes, the ballot must contain the words "bond approval, yes" and "bond approval, no" for the voter to signify their desired choice. The ballot is also required to contain the following statements:

·         "A "yes" vote shall authorize the governing body to issue and sell bonds of the district to be repaid with secondary property taxes.

·         A "no" vote shall not authorize the governing body to issue and sell such bonds of the district" (A.R.S. 35 § 454).



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·         Fifty-third Legislature                          HB 2115

·         Second Regular Session                       Version 3: House Engrossed


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